Creativity of Human Being

Creativity of Human Being

Friday, August 6, 2010

Mortar and Pastle

in week 6, we need to think about how the mortar and pestle are going to be in the future.
in 2010 maybe mortar and pestle still in its function, but in 2015 mortar and pestle can be used for massage.perhaps it will more effectively work than we use massage machine.
my other opinion is mortar and pestle can be dangerous weapon. or it can be something edible. if we cook one year, then it can be eaten.
mortar and pestle can be something precious. only one man can make that stuff. then It will be very expensive to get. it will be a reason that student can't do their homework, because they must hit the mortar using pestle to make a light. or something crazy, people must use mortar and pestle to pay . Let's say mortar is a coin money, pestle is paper money.
I heard from the discussion in class, theres crazy idea come out that the mortar can be a fashion.
that's I don't know how to sew and cut.. what a crazy idea. I think this lecture is very important, so we know we can get many idea from the old stuff like mortar and pestle. in 2010 maybe mortar and pestle still in its function, but in 2015 mortar and pestle can be used for massage.perhaps it will more effectively work than we use massage machine. my other pinion is mortar and pestle can be dangerous weapon. or it can be something edible. if we cook one year, then it can be eaten.
mortar and pestle can be something precious. only one man can make that stuff. then It will be very expensive to get. it will be a reason that student can't do their homework, because they must hit the mortar using pestle to make a light. or something crazy, people must use mortar and pestle to pay . Let's say mortar is a coin money, pestle is paper money.
I heard from the discussion in class, theres crazy idea come out that the mortar can be a fashion.
that's I don't know how to sew and cut.. what a crazy idea. I think this lecture is very important, so we know we can get many idea from the old stuff like mortar and pestle.
I did this mind map in class. we were discussing about mortar and pestle. I found crazy idea which is mortar and pestle can be used for medical. especially for connecting cracked bones.
and the others.

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